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Shirley's story

75 year old Shirley Parnell is proof that age and a disability is no barrier to doing something inspirational.

Shirley was diagnosed with spindle cell sarcoma last year after noticing a pain and swelling in her right ankle. As a result of the condition, she had to have the lower part of her leg amputated at the end of October 2022 and learn to walk again - but this month, she was determined to dance with her husband at a friend’s wedding to show that anything is possible.

She says:” I was very nervous going into surgery but funnily enough I was okay once it was done. I just had an overwhelming sense of relief that that part was finished. Everyone has always said to me that I am a very determined person and after the surgery I just started to look to the future as I felt everything was getting better, so I focused on working towards that.

“As soon as I was out of surgery my rehabilitation began and with that the long and challenging journey of learning how to walk again. The staff at the Prosthetic Rehabilitation Unit at RNOH were amazing and their support was what got me through those first few weeks and helped me get used to my new way of moving which is why I was keen to take on this challenge for the RNOH Charity.

“By taking part in my own Impossible Possible Challenge it made me feel so proud of how far I have come and although I didn't jive with my husband like we used to, I really looked forward to waltzing around the dance floor in his arms once more.”

To show your support for Shirley simply donate online and add your message of support in the comments.

Looking for even more inspiration? Read about 2 year olds Posie and Daisy and running Becky.