Posie's story

Another very special person taking part in our Impossible Possible Week Challenge is inspirational, two-year-old Posie from Suffolk.

Posie suffers from a rare disorder called fibular hemimelia which was discovered when her Mum was pregnant. The condition means the bones in Posie’s lower limbs didn’t develop properly; she had no bones in her right leg below the knee and her left leg only had one bone below the knee and no ankle was formed. The family first met with the specialist team at RNOH before Posie was born and she began treatment when she was just six months old. Just before her first birthday, Posie’s leg was amputated from her ankle and her parents faced the devastating possibility that their little daughter would never walk. Then, in November 2022, Posie faced another operation - this time her right leg was amputated from the knee.

But thankfully, the RNOH team have fitted Posie with prosthetics and she has been given the chance to walk.

Jodie says:  “We cannot thank RNOH and the RNOH Charity enough. The team’s support over the last two years gave us hope for her future and doing things that all children of her age should be able to do. Seeing her stand up for the first time on both her prosthetic legs, truly was amazing – they really have made the ‘impossible possible’ for our little girl.”

Posie has just started to walk independently and, even though she is still a bit wobbly on her feet, she is making great progress. Her Impossible Possible Challenge is taking a few independent steps every day during Impossible Possible Week…with her beloved pushchair at hand of course.

Posie’s Mum, Jodie, is also joining her. She hates running, but has challenged herself to run every day for the whole week too.

To show your support of Posie and Jodie you can make a donation online and add your message to them in the comments. 

Looking for even more inspiration? Read about waltzing Shirley and Half Marathon runner, Becky.