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Daisy's story

Two year old Daisy has been a patient at RNOH since just after she was born. She has a condition call Proximal Focal Fermoral Deficiency, a complex birth defect where the upper part of the femur bone in the thigh is either malformed or missing and, in most cases, the hip joint is also not well developed. This means one of her legs in shorter than the other and her parents had to take the impossible decision for her foot to be amputated so she could be fitted with a prosthetic leg.

Daisy didn’t think she could take part in the Impossible Possible Week Challenge because she is waiting for her new leg to be fitted – but she’s decided that won’t stop her getting on her bike!

Inspired by Daisy? Why not donate online and add your message of support in the comments or take on your own Impossible Possible Week Challenge.

Looking for even more inspiration? Read about another amazing two year old, Posie, running Becky and waltzing Shirley.