Your support makes a difference

By taking part in this week of fundraising, you’ll be making a life-changing difference to people, like Becky, who are treated at RNOH.

The money you raise for the RNOH Charity will ensure we can continue to support the hospital in funding overall improvements to the patient experience and clinical research, as well as specific items such as state-of-the art imaging equipment, transforming the spinal cord injury centre’s day room and further pioneering musculoskeletal research and ground-breaking developments.

Remember, RNOH achieves the impossible every day – so why not join us in supporting the hospital, by registering your Impossible Possible Challenge now!


Becky’s story

Becky Farrell, a 20-year old music student, was diagnosed with a rare bone tumour as a teenager and she ran the Bath Two Tunnels Half Marathon this June to show that anything is possible.

After a lump on Becky’s right shin turned out to be a bone tumour, she had major surgery at RNOH Stanmore to have the tumour removed and a section of her leg bone was reconstructed with a bone graft and metal implants. She says:

“At 16 years old when I just wanted to be out enjoying life with my friends, instead, I was in a lot of pain with reduced mobility which at some points meant I couldn’t even walk to the bottom of my street without a walking stick. Although the recovery was not easy, the specialist knowledge, facilities, and care that RNOH provided me made my time as an inpatient as comfortable as possible and allowed me to have my life back.”

Unfortunately, late last year Becky was diagnosed with a second tumour in her leg and will undergo more surgery this summer once she has graduated from university. She says:

“This will put me back to square one with all my mobility progress. With no guarantee of how well I will recover or how long it will take, I am determined to make the most of my mobility whilst I can. I took on this Impossible Possible Challenge to say thank you to RNOH, and especially the rehabilitation team, for all its support. Plus I want to do something positive for the charity that has supported me through this journey. ”

If, like Becky, you want to do you Impossible Possible Challenge outside of Impossible Possible Week (26 June - 2 July), don’t worry. Simply register your challenge now and we’ll support you every step of the way.

Alternatively, to say congratulations to Becky, simply donate online and add your message to Becky in the comments.

Looking for even more inspiration? Read about 2 year old Posie and waltzing Shirley.